Научно-популярные журналы
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  • добавлен 23 мая 2016 г.
Popular Science 2016 №04 (USA) July-August
N.Y.: Bonnier Corp. - 112 p. - ISSN: 0161-7370. Frequency: Monthly
Popular Science - американский ежемесячный научно-популярный журнал, выпускаемый с мая 1872 года, лауреат 58 премий и наград, выпускается на 30 языках в 45 странах мира. Popular Science журнал о новинках в мире науки и техники, электроники и технологий в области автомобилестроения, авиации, кораблестроения, энергетики, аэрокосмических разработок.
Popular Science is an American monthly magazine founded in 1872 carrying articles for the general reader on science and technology subjects. Popular Science has won over 58 awards, including the ASME awards for its joualistic excellence in both 2003 (for General Excellence) and 2004 (for Best Magazine Section). PopSci has been translated into over 30 languages and goes out to at least 45 countries.
From the content
The Reanimators. When in crisis, the human body can slow its metabolic clock to the point of appearing dead. But what happens when doctors start doing it on purpose?
The Science Of Heroes. The futuristic training tools that U.S. Olympians are using to stay ahead of the competition.
Virtualandia. As everybody moves in, who’s making the rules?
Inside Nasa’s Mars Mission. An exclusive look at NASA’s $18 billion Orion space project that’s going to take us to the surface of Mars in the 2030s.