Программа-тренажер для обучения английскому языку с первых шагов -
алфавит, цифры, дни, цвета, общие слова - и до формирования
определенного словарного запаса и языковых навыков.
Gets Preschool – Smart education app for kids which widely covers
the basic English words for kids who is in the age between 1
Basic English course covers the Alphabets, Numbers, Days, Months, Colours and Common Words Requirements: Android 2.2 and up Alphabets will cover from A…Z letter with visuals and sounds, it can be rewind and the kids can listen repeatedly
Numbers will cover from 0 .9 number with visuals and sounds, it can be rewind and the kids can listen repeatedly
Days will cover from Sunday …to.Saturday with visuals and sounds, it can be rewind and the kids can listen repeatedly
Months will cover from January …to.December with visuals and sounds, it can be rewind and the kids can listen repeatedly
Colors lesson comes with visuals and sounds, it can be rewind and the kids can listen repeatedly
90 common words are given to improve the kids vocabulary
Basic English course covers the Alphabets, Numbers, Days, Months, Colours and Common Words Requirements: Android 2.2 and up Alphabets will cover from A…Z letter with visuals and sounds, it can be rewind and the kids can listen repeatedly
Numbers will cover from 0 .9 number with visuals and sounds, it can be rewind and the kids can listen repeatedly
Days will cover from Sunday …to.Saturday with visuals and sounds, it can be rewind and the kids can listen repeatedly
Months will cover from January …to.December with visuals and sounds, it can be rewind and the kids can listen repeatedly
Colors lesson comes with visuals and sounds, it can be rewind and the kids can listen repeatedly
90 common words are given to improve the kids vocabulary