Экология гидросферы
Экологические дисциплины
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  • добавлен 11 марта 2011 г.
Rwetabula J., De Smedt F., Rebhun M., Mwanuzi F. Distribution of organic micro-pollutants, suspended sediments and phosphates in the Speke Gulf (lake Victoria), Tanzania
Rwetabula J. , De Smedt F. , Rebhun M. , Mwanuzi F. Distribution of organic micro-pollutants, suspended sediments and phosphates in the Speke Gulf (lake Victoria), Tanzania; 2005, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, University of Dar es Salaam.
(На англ. / Распределение органических микрозагрязнителей, взвешенных отложений и фосфатов в заливе Спика, озеро Виктория, Танзания).

Abstract: Field measurements campaigns were carried out in the Speke gulf (Lake Victoria), in 2002 and 2003 to measure the water quality. Surface water samples were collected and analyzed for pesticides, phosphorous, organic carbon and suspended sediments from eight locations in the gulf. Three organochlorine pesticide chemicals (DDT, HCH and Endosulfan) were detected in the water samples, with total concentration ranging between zero and about 2000 µg/m
3. Total phosphorous concentrations ranged between 200 and 700 mg/m3 and total organic carbon from 3 to 100 g/m
3. Total suspended sediment concentrations ranged from 2 g/m3 to about 500 g/m
3. Generally, higher concentrations appeared during the rainy season in April 2003 suggesting that high contaminant loads are caused by the Simiyu river discharge to the Speke gulf. Also, a significant decline in concentration especially for phosphorous, organic carbon and suspended sediment concentrations is observed at stations located further away from the river mouth, but this trend is not noticed for pesticides for reasons that remain unknown.
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