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  • добавлен 09 марта 2011 г.
Shaddad A., Phillips David J.H. The Jordan River Basin: A Chronicle of Plans from the 1900s to Date
2005, 6th Inteational Conference European Water Resources Association.
(На англ. / Бассейн реки Иордан: хроника планов развития с 1900-х до наших дней).

The Jordan River basin is an inteational watercourse covering parts
of four States and one territory (Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Jordan and
Palestine). The River and its tributaries constitute an important source
of water to all of these entities, in part because of the generally arid
nature of the region as a whole. The five co-riparians of the basin all
suffer from serious water deficiencies.
Many development plans have been produced over the last century
for the Jordan River valley region.
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