Грамматика / English Grammar
Английский язык
  • формат doc
  • размер 62,25 КБ
  • добавлен 27 июля 2011 г.
Шпора по грамматике для универов
The simple sentence
The subject
"it" as the subject of the sentence
The noun. Semantic characteristics.
The category of number
Invariable nouns & plural invariables nouns
Agreement of the predicate with the subject
The genitive case
Functions of the article
Nouns of material and abstract nouns
Names of persons & geographical names
The use of articles with predicative nouns and nouns in apposition
The adjective
Substantivized adjectives
The attribute
The object
Predicative constructions that function as objects
The adverbial modifier
The for-to-infinitive construction and the predicative constructions with the gerund and their syntactic functions.
The compound sentence
The complex sentence with nominal clauses
The complex sentence with attributive
The complex sentence with adverbial clauses
Subjunctive 1
Subjunctive 2
The suppositional mood
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