Страноведение англоговорящих стран / Country Studies of English-speaking Nations
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  • добавлен 24 ноября 2010 г.
Шпоры по страноведению GB & THE USA
The united states of america
geographical position, its advantages and disadvantages.
the physical features, mountain, plains, rivers and lakes, climate. mineral resources
the story of Native Americans, one that is unique, tragic and inspiring
colonization of North America by first settlers from Europe. the Pilgrim Fathers. The Mayflower Compact.
the War of Independence (1775-1783).
the basic values of the American nation. "the frontier heritage", the heroes.
the growing antagonism between the North and the South. events of the Civil War, its consequences.
the territorial expansion of the Usa in the first half of the 19th century.
The development of the Usa after the Civil War. The Monroe Doctrine.
the "bill of Rights", the structure of the American Constitution.
the structure of the Congress. Senators and Representatives
the institution of the American Presidency, its powers and major functions. The main trends of American foreign policy.
the process of presidential elections, their indirect character. an "electoral college"
constitutional protection against misused executive power is guaranteed in the Usa. the system of checks and balances. The Watergate scandal.
the main political parties in the Usa The results of the elections of November 2010
Great britain
geographical position, its advantages and disadvantages. "continental shelf, its importance for the economy.
physical geography (rivers and lakes. climate and weather. mineral resources).
the main stages in the formation of the population of Gb (Ancient britain, Celts, Romans, Anglo-Saxons).
the Danish raids on England. The struggle of Alfred the Great and its results.
the Norman Conquest. The main dates in the formation of the U.K.
population of Great britain. languages. Urban and rural population. The main conurbations.
Gb as a constitutional monarchy and its role and social influence.
the british Parliament. term "Devolution", and its significance for the national parts of the U.K.
the electoral system. "majority electoral system"
educational system of Gb. The comprehensive school and its advantages.
education in britain, and the main types of universities (3). The role of Ucas
economic regions of the U.K. , the main cities of each region.
The causes and the consequences of the conflicts and divisions in Northe Ireland.
political parties in the U.K. (Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrats).
role of the Church in the life of the British people.