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  • добавлен 06 мая 2015 г.
希尔贝克·G、伊耶·N 西方哲学史: 从古希腊到二十世纪 Скирбекк Г., Гилье Н. История западной философии. От Древней Греции до двадцатого века
上海:上海译文出版社,2004. — 665页
Шанхай: Шанхайское изд-во переводов, 2004 — 665 с.
ISBN 9787532756773
Skirbekk G., Gilje N. A History of Weste Thought: From Ancient Greece to the Twentieth Century
Routledge Publishers, 2001
Skirbekk G. Filosofihistorie
Bergen ; Oslo, 1980
G·希尔贝克,1937年出生,当代北欧最重要的哲学家之一。从1958年的《虚无主义?》到2002年的《现代性的实践学》,希尔贝克教授已经用挪威语、德语、英语和法语出版十多本著作。希尔贝克教授20世纪60年代曾担任著名哲学家赫尔伯特·马尔库塞的助教,现担任挪威卑尔根大学哲学教授、挪威科学院院士、德国柏林大学和中国华东师范大学的客座教授。 N·伊耶出生于1947年,现任挪威卑尔根大学教授、人文学院副院长。
This is a comprehensive introduction to the history of Weste Philosophy from the Pre-Socratics to Twentieth Century thought. In addition to all the key figures, the book covers figures whose contributions have so far been overlooked, such as Vico, Montesquieu, Durkheim and Weber.
Along with in-depth discussion of the philosophical movements, Skirbekk and Gilje also discuss the natural sciences, the establishment of the Humanities, Socialism and Fascism, Psychoanalysis, and the rise of the social sciences.
History of Weste Thought is an ideal introduction to philosophy and the sociological and scientific structures that have shaped mode day philosophy.