Лексико-стилистический анализ / Analysis of Vocabulary and Style
Лексикология и стилистика / Lexicology and Stylistics
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  • размер 26,57 КБ
  • добавлен 29 декабря 2015 г.
Лексико-стилистический анализ рассказа А.П.Чехова Лошадиная фамилия (Horsey name)
The story is quite short but very interesting and funny. It shows us quite simple even everyday situation. The story tells us about the event that happened to Major-General Buldeeff who had a terrible toothache but didn’t want to have it pulled out as a dentist suggested him. His steward Ivan Evceitch told him about a conjuror for the toothache. Major-General Buldeeff decided to write to him but unfortunately Ivan Evceitch couldn’t remember his name, he remembers just that it was a horsey name. all members of the family tried to help the steward to remember the name giving different variants, but he couldn’t. After a sleepless night Major-General Buldeeff decided to have the tooth pulled out. The story ended with Ivan Evceitch’s remembering the name but there was no use in it.