Стилистика английского языка / English Stylistics
Лексикология и стилистика / Lexicology and Stylistics
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  • добавлен 14 января 2012 г.
Ответы по стилистике
Ответы на ниже перечисленные вопросы:
Stylistics as a branch of science. Subject, methods, related research and the differences between them.
The notion of style. Stylistic markedness. Stylistic function.
The key notions of stylistics: imagery, expressiveness, evaluation, emotiveness, expressive means and stylistic devices.
The notion of variation. Variation in the English language: codification, geographical and social factors.
Variation in the English language: medium, relationship and subject matter factors.
The stylistic device of metaphor. Definition and history of research.
The stylistic device of metaphor. Definition and classification.
The stylistic devices of metonymy and irony.
The stylistic device of epithet. Classification of epithets.
The stylistic devices of zeugma, pun and polysemantic effect.
The stylistic devices of oxymoron, simile and hyperbole.
The stylistic devices of antonomasia, periphrasis and euphemism.
The stylistic devices of allusion, epigram, peculiar use of proverbs and decomposition of set phrases.
The stylistic devices of inversion, chiasmus and parallel structures.
The stylistic devices of repetition, enumeration and suspense.
The stylistic devices of detached structures, climax (gradation) and antithesis.
The stylistic devices of asyndeton, polysyndeton and the gap-sentence link.
The stylistic devices of ellipsis, aposiopesis (break-in-the-narrative), question-in-the-narrative.
The stylistic devices of litotes and rhetorical question.
Free indirect thought and free indirect speech (uttered and unuttered represented speech).
The stylistic devices of onomatopoeia, alliteration and assonance.
The stylistic classification of the English vocabulary. Special literary vocabulary.
The stylistic classification of the English vocabulary. Special colloquial vocabulary.
The notion of functional style. Approaches to the research into functional style.
The notion of functional style. Taxonomy of FS.
The belles-lettres style. Its principal characteristics.
Emotive prose. History of development in view of stylistic characteristics.
Poetry: the notion and taxonomy. The notion of poetic conventions. Line, stanza, run-on line.
Poetic conventions: rhyme, metre and rhythm. Rules and deviations.
Lexical and syntactical features of poetry.
Stylistic characteristics of the language of drama.
The publicist style. Taxonomy and general characteristics.
The publicist style: political and critical discourse.
The style of scientific discourse. Popular scientific style.
The style of official documents.
The style of mass communication.
The British Newspaper style – general characteristics.
The features of newspaper headlines and brief news items.