История стран Азии и Африки
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Revolutionary Flag, Issue 7
Phnom Penh, Democratic Kampuchea, July 1976. — 34 p.
Революционный флаг, выпуск 7 (на англ. яз.)
Перевод на англ. яз. внутрипартийного печатного издания Коммунистической партии Кампучии времен её правления в Камбодже в 1975-1979 гг.
Slogans for mid 1976.
Always be absolutely and constantly determined to continue making a profound Socialist Revolution.
Launch even mightier storming attacks in accordance with the most correct and effective action line.
Whip up a movement constantly to study the Party statutes in order to strengthen and expand ever more mightily inteal Party unity.