История стран Азии и Африки
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Revolutionary Flag, Issue 8
Phnom Penh, Democratic Kampuchea, August 1978. — 24 p.
Революционный флаг, спецвыпуск (на англ. яз.)
Перевод на англ. яз. внутрипартийного ежемесячника Коммунистической партии Кампучии во время её нахождения у власти в 1975-1979 гг.
Tung Padevat (Revolutionary Flag) was a Khmer-language joual in Cambodia. Tung Padevat was one of the theoretical organs of the Communist Party of Kampuchea. The first issue was published in January 1975. It was published monthly at least until September 1978. There were also several 'special issues' published.
Throughout its period of publishing, the magazine had a uniform format. Most issues ranged between 65-85 pages. The September and October/November issues of 1977 contained 133 pages. The April 1977 issue, on the other hand, had only 29 pages.
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