Стилистика английского языка / English Stylistics
Лексикология и стилистика / Lexicology and Stylistics
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  • добавлен 25 декабря 2011 г.
Шпаргалка по стилистике английского языка
Шпаргалка на английском языке, составленная для экзамена по стилистике. Содержит 20 вопросов с примерами: The notion of transformation in translation; The problem of adequacy in translation. The basic notions of translation: interference, non-equivalent lexis; Translation of realia; Context and translation; Translation of phraseological units; Transliteration, transcription, a translator’s commentary. Spheres of application; Translation of quasi-inteational words (‘false friends’) of the interpreter; Translation of the units of the morphological level; Classes of words: criteria of classification; Structural syntax: The positional model. The IC model. The keel (minimum basic) structure. The transformational model. Valence model; Pragmatic syntax: The theory of speech acts; FSP (functional sentence perspective / actual sentence division); Morpheme: classes of morphemes; types of morphemes; The composite sentence. Types of dependent clauses; The notion of phoneme in English; The role and function of intination in English; Etymological survey of the English word stock: native words and borrowings; Word building in English: various ways of forming words; Syntactical stylistic devices based on peculiar compositional pattes of syntactical arrangment of the utterance; Metaphoric stylistic devices.