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  • добавлен 08 января 2012 г.
Thompson M. (Ed.). Base Metals Handbook
Edited by Martin Thompson
Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2006. 464 pp.

The purposes of the Base Metals Handbook is to provide thorough yet compact descriptions of the metals. This includes their histories (which vary in length from a century or so to several millennia), where they are found and how they are extracted, what they are used for, how they are sold and what may be their prospects, both positive and negative. Included are mineral reserves, production processes, end-use consumption trends, trade pattes, and comprehensive tables of production, consumption, imports, exports, stocks, etc. and lists of mines, smelters and refineries throughout the world. In addition, there is a section on the development of the marketing of the metals, and the metal exchanges. The aim of the book, therefore, is to present both a comprehensive survey of the base metals, giving detailed descriptions of their various aspects, and at the same time to provide a comprehensive work for reference.
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