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  • добавлен 21 января 2011 г.
Williams D.B., Carter C.B. Transmission Electron Microscopy. A Textbook for Materials Science
2nd ed. , Springer, 2009. - 832 p.

The Transmission Electron Microscope
Scattering and Diffraction
Elastic Scattering
Inelastic Scattering and Beam Damage
Electron Sources
Lenses, Apertures, and Resolution
How to ‘See’ Electrons
Pumps and Holders
The Instrument
Specimen Preparation

Diffraction in TEM
Thinking in Reciprocal Space
Diffracted Beams
Dispersion Surfaces
Diffraction from Crystals
Diffraction from Small Volumes
Obtaining and Indexing Parallel-Beam Diffraction Pattes
Kikuchi Diffraction
Obtaining CBED Pattes
Using Convergent-Beam Techniques

Amplitude Contrast
Phase-Contrast Images
Thickness and Bending Effects
Planar Defects
Imaging Strain Fields
Weak-Beam Dark-Field Microscopy
High-Resolution TEM
Other Imaging Techniques
Image Simulation
Processing and Quantifying Images

X-ray Spectrometry
X-ray Spectra and Images
Qualitative X-ray Analysis and Imaging
Quantitative X-ray Analysis
Spatial Resolution and Minimum Detection
Electron Energy-Loss Spectrometers and Filters
Low-Loss and No-Loss Spectra and Images
High Energy-Loss Spectra and Images
Fine Structure and Finer Details
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