Basic Considerations 25
in both zones is kept low, at around 0.6, to minimize the emissions of NO
and smoke.
Staged combustion is now widely used in industrial engines burning gas-
eous fuels, in both axial and radial congurations, to achieve low pollutant
emissions without the need to resort to water or steam injection.
For liquid fuels, the lean premix prevaporize (LPP) combustor appears to
have the most promise for ultralow NO
combustion. The concept is shown
schematically in Figure 1.17d. The design objective is to attain complete
evaporation of the fuel and thorough mixing of fuel and air before combus-
tion. By avoiding droplet burning, and by operating the reaction zone at a
lean fuel/air ratio, NO
emissions are drastically reduced because of the low
ame temperature and the elimination of “hot spots” from the combustion
zone. The main drawback of the LPP system is that the long time needed to
fully vaporize and mix the fuel at low power conditions may result in the
occurrence of autoignition or ashback in the fuel preparation duct at the
high pressures and inlet temperatures associated with operation at maxi-
mum power. These problems may be overcome, at the expense of additional
cost and complexity, through the use of staged combustion and/or variable
geometry. Other concerns with LPP systems are those of durability, main-
tainability, and safety.
Another important contender in the ultralow NO
emissions eld is the
rich-burn/quick-quench/lean-burn (RQL) combustor. This concept employs
a fuel-rich primary zone in which NO
formation rates are low because of
the combined effects of low temperature and oxygen depletion. Downstream
of the primary zone, the additional air required to complete the combus-
tion process and reduce the gas temperature to the desired predilution zone
level is injected in a manner that is designed to ensure uniform and rapid
mixing with the primary-zone efux. This mixing process must take place
quickly, otherwise pockets of hot gas would survive long enough to pro-
duce appreciable amounts of NO
. Thus, the design of a rapid and effective
quick-quench mixing section is of decisive importance to the success of the
RQL concept.
The device that appears to have the greatest potential of all for NO
tion, is the catalytic combustor. In this system, the fuel is rst prevaporized
and premixed with air at a very low equivalence ratio and the resulting
homogeneous mixture is then passed through a catalytic reactor bed. The
presence of the catalyst allows combustion to occur at very low fuel/air
ratios that normally lie outside the lean ammability limit. In consequence,
the reaction temperature is extremely low and NO
formation is minimal.
In most current designs, a thermal reaction zone is located downstream of
the catalytic bed. Its function is to raise the gas temperature to the required
turbine entry value and to reduce the concentrations of CO and UHC to
acceptable levels.
The potential of catalytic reactors for very low pollutant emissions has
been recognized for the past 25 years, but the harsh environment in a gas