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Emily Apter. Global Translatio: The Invention of Comparative Literature, Istanbul, 1933
Emily Apter is a professor of French at New York University. She is the author
of Continental Drift (1999), Feminizing the Fetish (1987), and coeditor withWilliam
Pietz of Fetishismas Cultural Discourse (1991). A book near completion is titled The
Translation Zone: LanguageWars and Literary Politics.
"This essay grew out of dialogue with AamirMufti, whose own essay Auerbach in Istanbul
provided crucial inspiration. I also acknowledgewith profound gratitude the contribution of
Tu ?lay Atak, whose discovery and translation of Spitzer’s Leaing Turkish article proved
ndispensable. The interview with Su ?yehla Bayrav was arranged by Tulay and her friends. Thanks
re also due to Fredric Jameson,who putme in touch with Sibel Irz? ?k and her colleagues at the
BosporosUniversity.Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, AndreasHuyssen, and David Damrosch offered
invaluable suggestionswhen a version of this essay was presented at ColumbiaUniversity.Hans
Ulrich Gumbrecht was kind enough to share hismanuscript Leo Spitzer’s Style, a rich source of
literary history for this period.
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