Преподавание английского языка / Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Английский язык
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  • добавлен 22 апреля 2015 г.
Обучая, вдохновляй: к новым высотам педагогического мастерства
Материалы Xxi международной конференции Нопаяз в России . Екатеринбург, 14-18 апреля 2015 г. [Текст] / Урал.гос.пед.ун-т. – Екатеринбург, 2015. – Ч.
1. – 174 c.
L.A. Abdrakhimova, E.A. Gritsenko, S.V. Polyakova.
Russian students' Perspectives.
On cultural roots.
O.G. Alifanova.
Processes of understanding and producing of information in a cognitive space.
A.A. Babina, E.I. Babina.
Believe in your vision and your team.
E.I. Babina.
The importance of technology: tips for.
Using technology in the classroom.
I.A. Basova.
Teaching academic texts’ Summury writing at linguistic universities in the frames.
Of a separate modular course.
E.M. Belov.
Becoming a better tourist guide.
Intercultural awareness in working with english-speaking tourists.
O.V. Belyaeva.
Developing thinking skills.
(Of a teacher and student).
T.P. Bludova.
Teaching grammar to esp students.
A maths approach.
E.S. Bogdanova.
If i had more time – Letting professional writing.
Into teachers’ Lives.
E.L. Boguslavskaya.
Translation criticism.
In classroom environment.
I.N. Bolushevskaya.
Designing and teaching test-preparation classes for proficient users of english.
E.M. Bozhko.
Peculiarities of volunteering as a consecutive interpreter.
At the olympic games in sochi.
O.M. Braterskaya.
Meeting new standards in language teaching: inverting.
Instruction, classroom and methods.
M.Y. Brodsky.
Teaching interpreting and interpreting teaching in the russian context.
V.V. Chalkova.
The problem of a choice of software.
For distance leaing a foreign language.
L.S. Chikileva.
Motivation in teaching english.
For business purposes.
K.G. Chiknaverova.
Preventing mistakes of perception in the course of exploratory reading.
Of esp texts (the case of english for economics).
E.A. Danilova.
Adaptation of the basic educational.
Programs for students with disabilities.
In higher educational institutions.
J.L. Depto.
Critical thinking.
Enhancing student engagement.
J.L. Depto.
Elements of effective academic writing.
M.I. Devyatkova.
Conceptual spheres frequency in american and russian political.
Cartoons with the image of vladimir putin.
I.V. Dombrovskaya, O.A. Petrova.
Project work: the 70th anniversary.
Of victory in the great patriotic war.
W. Durthy.
Communicating across cultures.
Re-envisioning the writing process.
O.S. Dvorghets.
Mass media integration into elt class-room.
L.Kh. Dzasezheva.
Designing tasks using authentic video materials.
E.V. Dziuba.
Особенности лексической.
Категоризации действительности в русской языковой картине мира.
N.V. Elfimova.
Some strategies to promote critical.
Thinking to writing in a be course.
I.S. Eubanks.
Leaing through writing: low stakes as-signments as pedagogical tools.
V.M. Evdash, N.N. Zhuravleva.
Small talk as a trigger for improving conversational confidence.
M.A. Fedorova.
Engaging technical university students into actual translation practice.
I.V. Fedyakova.
The study of political metaphor in linguistics.
J.M. Flynn.
Translation issues with.
An essay about the former ussr.
J. Frank.
Strategies based instruction.
Examples and assessment.
Y.S. Gafarova, Y.A. Kudryavtseva.
Know your students.
D.K. Galyaminskikh, S.O. Makeeva.
Russia and peru.
University students code switching: pragmatic aspect.
L.M. Garaeva,E.V. Gafiiatova.
Professional language of forestry.
I.G. Glazkova, M. Hauke, T.L. Markova.
Online language teaching.
Challenges posing university faculty.
L.A. Gorodetskaya.
Teaching with.
Integrated online assessment.
How to address individual needs of students.
L.A. Gorodetskaya.
Verbal and non-verbal means of persuasion: course rogram.
E.A. Gritsenko, S.V. Polyakova.
Raising intercultural awareness through the rivers of music – Rivers of culture project.
N.A. Gritsishina.
A students’ Video as a means of teaching school-children.
A.I. Guzeva.
Using language portfolios in teaching esp.
A.R. Ismagilova, M.I. Solnyshkina.
Ergonyms as an integral part.
Of city toponymy: the case of kazan.
A.O. Kagileva.
К вопросу о вторичной номинации.
В рамках политической корректности.
E.O. Kalashnikov.
Icebreakers, warm-ups and games.
In the efl classroom.
E.O. Kalashnikov.
Mixed ability classes.
V.A. Kartamyshev.
Analysis of integrated speaking tasks in toefl ibt as example of assessment.
Of english proficiency: the principle of holistic assessment.
N.N. Kasatkina, N. Lagutina.
Text analysis and collaborative project between students and instructors.
From the philology and information technology departments.
O.P. Kazakova.
Теория поколений в методике обучения иностранному языку для специальных целей.
I.Y. Kharlov.
The linguistic world-image in english slang.
A.G. Khodakova.
Using images and videos to teach cultural diversity in efl classes.
A.G. Khodakova, E.N. Nadtocheva.
Appreciating diversity project in russia: elt answer to new federal standards.
I.E. Kladenova.
Empathic cognition at the lessons of english.
E.I. Klimenko.
Video lesson as an effeclive educational tool.
A.B. Klimova.
Promoting leaer autonomy and thinking skills via blended course.
For humanities students.
N.V. Kochetova.
Communicative relevance of english and russian adverbial lexemes.
I. Kolbasova.
Word lists as a means of boosting students’ Motivation.
M.A. Kolesnikova.
Mindmapping as a method of grammatical and lexical material digestion.
S.V. Koltakova, O.V. Sukhanova.
Integrating culture into the english language classroom.
In the military academy.
E.A. Kolyadin.
Russia’S regions studies.
From an elt contest to an e-book.
N.V. Komissarova.
Teaching legal english via it tools and professional communication.
I.V. Korovina.
Peer review as a universal assessment technique.
N.V. Kostenko, L.N. Timashova.
Teaching still neglected interjections.
In esl class for cross-cultural communication.
J.E. Kotnarowski.
The cultural element of communication.
L.P. Kovalyova.
Fiction reading: developing comprehensive skills through making inferences.
L.A. Kozhevnikova.
The challenge of teaching very young leaers.
L.A. Krivenko.
Communicative importance of the word main meaning.
A.S. Krivonogova.
Publication of a periodic school newspaper in english.
A.V. Kurennaya.
Structuring of the concept life.
In the artistic discourse of j. Tolkien, c. Lewis and m. Hope.
Y.V. Kuzina.
Театральная составляющая.
Образа волшебника страны оз.
L.G. Kuzmina.
Foreign language educational.
Environment and its role in esp students’ Personal development.
V.V. Levchenko.
The system of esp exam.
In samara state university.
L.V. Lukina.
Developing intercultural awareness through student english art studio.
E.N. Makarova.
Native language interfering effect in spanish and russian english.
T. Malikova.
Esp course.
Listening skills for cae cambridge esol.
E.V. Matveeva.
Teaching presentation skills in a digital age.
E.A. Melekhina, I.A. Kazachikhina.
Rural school teacher.
Retraining program: efl teacher as a second career.
A.A. Mikhailov.
Multicultural competence of teacher.
A.M. Minina.
The methods of teaching multimedia technologies.
Via virtual leaing environment.
O.A. Mironova.
Developing english language instruction errectiveness.
With non-native teachers.
M.L. Molchanova.
Information and communication.
Technologies in elt at secondary school.
Y.N. Morozova, Y.A. Gorshkova.
Developing critical thinking.
Through graphic organizers.
Похожие разделы
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  2. Педагогика
  3. Методики преподавания
  4. Методика преподавания иностранных языков
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Языки и языкознание
  3. Английский язык
  4. Language Games and Puzzles
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Языки и языкознание
  3. Английский язык
  4. Адаптированная и учебная периодика
  5. English Teaching Professional
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Языки и языкознание
  3. Английский язык
  4. Английский язык как родной / English as a First Language
  5. Teaching English as a First Language
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Языки и языкознание
  3. Английский язык
  4. Международные экзамены
  5. CELTA
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Языки и языкознание
  3. Английский язык
  4. Международные экзамены
  5. TKT
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Языки и языкознание
  3. Английский язык
  4. Наглядно-дидактический материал
  1. Учебные планы, программы и нормативная документация
  2. Для начальной школы
  3. Английский язык
  1. Учебные планы, программы и нормативная документация
  2. Для средней школы
  3. Английский язык
  1. Учебные планы, программы и нормативная документация
  2. Языки и языкознание
  3. Английский язык