Гражданское право
Юридические дисциплины
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Подшивалов Т.П. Объект гражданских прав и правовой режим: проблема определения
// Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. серия: право. – 2013. том
13. – №
3. – С. 49-54.
Статья посвящена решению проблемы определения единого объекта гражданских правоотношений. В статье проводится анализ пяти основных подходов высказанных в доктрины гражданского права: 1) объект – благо; 2) объект – поведения участников отношений; 3) объект – поведение участников отношений по поводу благ; 4) двойственный объект – юридический и материальный объект; 5) объект – правовой режим. В результате рассмотрения обозначенных подходов автор приходит к выводу о верности пятого подхода, в соответствии с которым материальные и нематериальные блага могут выступать в качестве объектов гражданских прав только в случае их признания таковыми правопорядком конкретного государства путем установления в отношении них соответствующего правового режима.
Ключевые слова: объект гражданских прав, гражданские правоотношения, правовой режим, имущество, вещь.
Podshivalov T. Object of civil rights and legal regime: problem of definition // Bulletin of the South Ural State University: series Law. 2013. Vol. 13, No
3. С. 49-54.
The article deals with the solution of the problem to give definition to a single object of civil legal relations. The article performs the analysis of five basic approaches given in a theory of civil law: 1) object is a benefit; 2) object is behaviour of the participants of relations; 3) object is behaviour of the participants of relations with reference to benefits; 4) dual object is a legal and tangible benefit; 5) object is a legal regime. The author comes to the conclusion of the accurateness of the fifth approach, according to which tangible and intangible benefits can be the objects of civil rights only in case of their recognition by the law order of a certain state by means of establishment of a certain legal regime.
Tikhon Podshivalov graduated magna cum laude from Law faculty of the South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk, Russia) with a degree in jurisprudence.
Since 2008th he is a lecturer of Civil Law and Process department. He holds such courses as «Russian Civil Law», «Private Inteational Law», and «Theory of Property Rights».
In 2011th he defended his thesis on the topic of «Negatory action» in the Dissertation Council of the Saratov State Academy of Law, specialty
12.00.03. The basic idea of the dissertation research was to justify the fact that negatory action is not a universal way to protect property rights.
Since 2012 he has been a member of the Russian Association of Inteational Law. In 2014 the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation awarded him the rank of associate professor in the specialty «Civil law; Business law; Family law; Private inteational law».
Research interests - the problems of property rights protection, objects of civil rights and immovable property, the implementation of the principle of good faith (pre-contractual liability, the prohibition of circumvention of the law, estoppel, the doctrine of lifting the corporate veil, the abuse of civil rights), private inteational law. The main focus of the research is to elaborate a system of real action under the conditions of reforming the civil legislation of the Russian Federation and the changes in judicial practice, including with respect to immovable property.
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