Гражданское право
Юридические дисциплины
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  • добавлен 13 июня 2014 г.
Подшивалов Т.П. Правовая природа иска об оспаривании зарегистрированного права на недвижимость
// Журнал российского права. – 2014. – №
5. – С. 76-83
Статья посвящена анализу правовой природы иска об оспаривании зарегистрированного права на недвижимость. Данное требование достаточно часто заявляется в судебных процессах, но не имеет однозначной квалификации. Автор на основе рассмотрения доктрины гражданского права и судебной практики приходит к выводу, что для оспаривания зарегистрированного права на недвижимое имущество необходимо применить последствия недействительности сделки в виде возврата объекта недвижимости, а если применение реституции невозможно, то заявлять виндикационный иск (если истец не владеет предметом спора) или иск о признании права собственности (если истец сохранил владение предметом спора).
Ключевые слова: недвижимость, государственная регистрация прав на недвижимость, оспаривание государственной регистрации прав на недвижимость, виндикационный иск, негаторный иск, иск о признании вещного права, признание сделки недействительной, реституция.
Podshivalov Tikhon Requirement classification about contest the registered property right // Joual of Russian Law. 2014. №
5. С. 76-83
This article analyzes the legal nature of the action contesting the registered rights to real estate. This requirement is often stated in the court proceedings, but hasn’t unique classification. Author on the base of civil law and judicial practice doctrine consideration comes to the conclusion that to contest the registered rights to real estate it’s necessary to apply consequences of the invalidity of legal transaction in the form of retu of real estate unit, and if the application of restitution is not possible, take an replevin action (if the plaintiff does not know the subject of the dispute ) or an action for recognition of ownership (if the plaintiff has retained ownership of the subject of dispute).
Keywords: real estate, the state registration of property rights, contesting the state registration of rights to real estate, replevin, negatory action, action for recognition of property right, recognition of the legal transaction as invalid, restitution.
Tikhon Podshivalov graduated magna cum laude from Law faculty of the South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk, Russia) with a degree in jurisprudence.
Since 2008th he is a lecturer of Civil Law and Process department. He holds such courses as «Russian Civil Law», «Private Inteational Law», and «Theory of Property Rights».
In 2011th he defended his thesis on the topic of «Negatory action» in the Dissertation Council of the Saratov State Academy of Law, specialty
12.00.03. The basic idea of the dissertation research was to justify the fact that negatory action is not a universal way to protect property rights.
Since 2012 he has been a member of the Russian Association of Inteational Law. In 2014 the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation awarded him the rank of associate professor in the specialty «Civil law; Business law; Family law; Private inteational law».
Research interests - the problems of property rights protection, objects of civil rights and immovable property, the implementation of the principle of good faith (pre-contractual liability, the prohibition of circumvention of the law, estoppel, the doctrine of lifting the corporate veil, the abuse of civil rights), private inteational law. The main focus of the research is to elaborate a system of real action under the conditions of reforming the civil legislation of the Russian Federation and the changes in judicial practice, including with respect to immovable property.
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