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Shin Kanzen Masuta JLPT 2 kyuu. Goi / 新完全マスター語彙 日本語能力試験N2 /Серия учебников для подготовки к JLPT 2 kyuu. Лексика
Авторы: Hiroaki Inou, Yukari Honda, Satomi Kurusu, Kanako Maebo, Kimie Abo, Koji Miyata / Хироаки Ино, Юкари Хонда, Сатоми Курусу, Канако Моэбо, Кимиэ Або, Кодзи Мията
/ 伊能 裕晃, 来栖 里美, 前坊 香菜子, 宮田 公治, 阿保 きみ枝, 本田 ゆかり
Издатель: 3A NETWORK
Год выпуска: 2011
Количество страниц: 207
ISBN: 4883195740
Язык курса: Японский
Here is a book that aims at cultivating the vocabulary needed for N2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. The book is divided into two parts: 'Jitsuryoku Yoseihen (practical training)' and 'Mogi Shiken (mock test)'.
In the 'Jitsuryoku Yoseihen' section, vocabulary is studied from two perspectives. In Part 1, the vocabulary is studied in terms of themes and situations; in Part 2, it is studied in terms of parts of speech and usage.
Every chapter has a basic exercise and a practical exercise section. After confirming the meaning and usage in the basic exercise section, the leaer deals with questions shown in the same format as in the exam in the practical exercise section.
In selecting the vocabulary, reference was made to various types of material, as well as past test papers, ensuring that the book concentrates on words that have a high chance of appearing in the examination.
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