Топливно-энергетический комплекс
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  • добавлен 19 марта 2011 г.
Chanson. A Review of the Overflow of Inflatable Flexible Membrane dams
Australian Civil/Structural Engineering Transactions, Vol. CE39, no.2 and 3, 1997
Summary: Inflatable flexible membrane dams (IFMD) have been used for the past 40 years in river and coastal engineering applications. Despite an increasing interest for IFMD, little information is available on the hydrauli performances of IFMD during overflow periods. Overflow situations may occur with deflated or inflated membranes. Both situation are described. It has been recognised that overflowing waters may induce some form of fluid-structure interactions, which might cause vibrations of the IFMD structure, leading to damage or destruction of the membrane. Several flow instability mechanism are reviewed and associated hazards are discussed. For overflow situtations above inflated dams, new flow calculations are detailed and the results give new information on the wall pressure distribution along the downstream face of the dam. A mechanism of cavitating flow separation is also explained.
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Виллей Дж., Эвинг Т. Числовое и физическое моделирование для проектирования сложных ступенчатых водосливов

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  • добавлен 18 февраля 2011 г.
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A.S.C.E. Civil engineering guidelines for planning and designing hydroelectric developments - Volume I

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Elevatorski E. Hydraulic energy dissipators

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Novak P. Developments in hydraulic engineering - Vol. 2

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Elsevier, 1984г. , 248 стр. This second volume of the series is a logical continuation of the first volume with the same central theme of 'hydraulic structures'. After dealing in the first volume with computational methods related to hydraulic structures design, sediment transport and some special features of irrigation structures, the second volume concentrates on some important problems encountered in the design of hydraulic structures. The fi...

Simos N. Seismic safety of earth dam. A probabilistic approach

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International Water Power and Dam Construction. Issue: November 1981. Essential information on the hydro power and dams industry, from the latest details on embankment dams, spillways and Kaplan and Francis turbines, through to flood management plans, tunnelling projects and generator refurbishment.