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  • добавлен 01 июня 2011 г.
Moser A.P., Folkman S. Buried Pipe Design
The McGraw-Hill, Utah State University, 2008, p. 601

In American cities, piping systems are complex and marvelous. But the average city dweller does not know of, and could not care less about, buried pipes and simply takes them for granted. This person could not contemplate the consequences if these services were to be disrupted. City managers and pipeline engineers are sobered by the present-day reality of deteriorating pipe systems. The problem is almost overwhelming. Engineers who deal with piping systems will be key in helping to solve this problem. The first edition (1990) and the second edition (2001) of this book were both well received and hopefully have been of some help to the various practitioners who deal with buried piping systems.We also hope that the third edition (2008) will be helpful in designing, installing, replacing, and rehabilitating buried pipe systems.
There has been progress and some changes in the 7 years since the second edition was published. There have been some additions in this new edition; however, most of the material that appeared in the second edition is also included here. In addition, there have been minor changes such as corrections of the errors pointed out by readers. Most of these errors were typesetting errors in equations. Our sincere thanks to readers for their help.
Dr. Steven L. Folkman, associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering has coauthored this edition. He is an expert in finite element analysis.
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