• формат epub
  • размер 1,27 МБ
  • добавлен 13 августа 2012 г.
Munier A., Eberhardt K. Talk Dirty German: Beyond Schmutz - The curses, slang, and street lingo you need to know to speak Deutsch
Adams Media, 2009. — 194 р. — ISBN 1605506532.

Полный цензура ! Это пахнет дерьмом! Эти случайные выражения Вы можете услышать на улицах Германии
Смешные оскорбления, ненормативная лексика, сленг, секс-термины, бранные слова.
Этому никогда не научат вас в школе.
Для тех, кто хочет освоить немецкие ругательства.
Словарь"грязных" немецких слов и выражений.
Lea to Speak German-the Dirty Deutsch Way!
If you think German is all brat and no wurst, you need to think again. German is sexier-and dirtier-than you might imagine. (Think Hamburg!) From hearts and violins to pigs and dogs, Goethe's native tongue is ripe-and rank-with creative obscenities, including:
Kuck mal diese geile Schnitte!
Look at that sexy chick!
Literal translation: Look at that sexy slice!
Alle wissen dass Klaus sehr gut geigt.
Everyone knows Klaus f**ks well.
Literal translation: Everyone knows Klaus plays the violin well.
Alexis Munier (Lausanne, Switzerland) relocated from Califoia to Europe in her mid-twenties and began teaching English at world-renown language schools in Russia, Slovenia, and Italy. Karin Eberhardt (New York, New York) was bo and raised in the wine growing regions of the German Rheinland. Ms. Eberhardt currently is a teacher specialising in cross-cultural German-American projects