Time Expression When? Қашан?
Day Before Yesterday Yesterday Today Tomorrow Day after tomorrow
Aлдынгуны Кеше Бүгiн Ертең Бүрсiгүнi
When? Қашан?
In the daytime In the morning In the evening At night
Күндiз Таңертең Кешке Түнде
Day Morning Evening Night
Күн Таңертең Кеш Түн
The terms for A.M. and P.M. differ pending on the time of the day. Kazakh divides the day into four
parts. 12 midnight to 4 a.m. is night „түн‟. 4 a.m. to 11 a.m. is morning „таңертең‟ 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. is
day or afternoon „түстен кейін‟. 5 p.m. to 12 midnight is evening „кеш‟
The Kazakh calendar, unlike the American calendar, begins on Monday. Be sure you have the correct day
when you glance at the calendar. In addition, Russian does not capitalize the names of the days or months.
They will always appear in lowercase unless they begin a sentence.
The Ablative Case (Шығыс септік) denotes the initial point of the action or material of which the
subject is made. It is the case of “form”, “away from” meanings and is also used in comparisons Ablative
case of Noun is formed with help of the ending +нан/+нен,+дан/+ден,+тан/+тен and answered the
questions кімнен? ”from whom?” неден? “from what?” қайдан? ”from where?
қала+дан “from a city”
базар+дан “from a bazaar”
адам+нан “from a person”
институт+тан “from the institute”
студент+тен “from a student
E.g. Студент университе|тен келе жатыр. “The student is coming from the university.”
Мен Америка|дан|мын. “I am from America.”
Ол ағаш|тан ҥй салып жатыр. “He is building a house from wood.”