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  • добавлен 28 апреля 2011 г.
Wood C., Littleton K. and Sheehy K. Developmental Psychology in Action
-Blackwell Publishing. Printed and bound in the United Kingdom by The Alden Group, Oxford. -2006., -235 p.

This publication forms part of an Open University course ED209.
Developmental Psychology in Action looks at how psychologists contribute to the development and well-being of children in practical ways. The role of psychologists and psychological theory is considered with respect to specific topics which focus on child development in the context of social, educational and clinical issues.

Introduction: developmental psychology in action.
Clare Wood, Karen Littleton and Kieron Sheehy.
Understanding specific leaing difficulties.
Clare Wood, Kieron Sheehy and Terri Passenger
Children and the legal system.
Helen Westcott.
Health psychology: children and development.
Tony Cassidy
Autism and developmental psychology.
Andrew Grayson
Psychology and education: understanding teaching
and leaing.
Karen Littleton and Clare Wood.
Name index.
Subject index.

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