Мировая экономика
Финансово-экономические дисциплины
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  • добавлен 09 августа 2011 г.
Warren C. Homebuyers Beware: Who's Ripping You Off Now? - What You Must Know About the New Rules of Mortgage and Credit
FT Press, 2009. - 288 pages.

The entire world of mortgages and credit has tued upside down. Everything people think they know has changed and relying on a book published before 2009 could be a very expensive mistake. In Homebuyers Beware, Carolyn Warren reveals the new realities and shows how to take advantage of them, whether you're buying your first home, refinancing, struggling with imperfect credit, or planning to invest in real estate. Warren reveals secrets home buyers can't afford to miss, and exposes the newest scammers taking advantage of today's desperate consumers. Unlike older guides, this book fully reflects today's radically new and different mortgage requirements, as well as the latest federal legislation, including the Housing Bill of October 2008 and the brand-new FACT credit reporting rules.

Fast, effective ways to raise your credit score and lower your mortgage costs.
How to get a wholesale interest rate.
How to apply for new insured govement loans, even if you've had a bankruptcy or foreclosure.
How to avoid new loans that look good on paper, but are just as horrible as yesterday's subprime mortgages.
Who's ripping you off now: high-tech "smoke and mirrors" that can trick you into overpaying.
When to buy, when to wait, when to lock in, when to float.
Negotiation tactics that can reduce your costs for years to come.
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