Периодика по физике
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  • добавлен 06 января 2011 г.
Williams D. (ed.). Methods of Experimental Physics. Vol. 3. Molecular Physics
Academic Press Inc, 1962. - 775 pages.

With the presentation of this volume on molecular physics we reach just about the half-way mark in the publication of our series on experimental physics. This occasion gives me a chance to review briefly the present status of the whole series and the expectations for finishing the Nuclear Physics, 5A, is going job. First of all the companion volume to I sincerely hope to come out soon. The manuscripts are coming in fast and that by the time these lines are printed we will be at the galley proof stage 5B. Equally favorable is my report on the electronics of Volume
2. A good part of the manuscripts have already been processed and use the few missing ones should be in within the next few months so that con-5B, Volume 2 also may be ready for the printer.
The atomic and electron physics volume will have to be split, also, into 4A and B. Some of the manuscripts of 4A are on hand but Volumes it will take probably several months before we can start typesetting this volume.
It remains the present task to thank all those who contributed so generously their time and effort to the production of this volume. First my thanks go to the editor of this volume, Professor Dudley Williams, whose wide knowledge and enthusiasm for the project are primarily responsible I am expecting for this volume. The publishers again for the success which did their usual very careful work which we are now accustomed to receiving from them, and finally all the work in the editorial office as before has been handled by Mrs. Claire Marton.
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