Статистика экономическая
Финансово-экономические дисциплины
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  • размер 4.76 МБ
  • добавлен 24 августа 2010 г.
Spirer H. Business statistics: A problem-solving approach
1975. 384 pages
This book is an introductory text in statistics for students of business and administration in graduate programs leading to a Master of Business
Administration (MBA) degree, undergraduate programs in colleges and universities, and community and junior colleges.
At the MBA or advanced undergraduate level, this text supports an intensive one-term course. At the undergraduate level and in community
and junior colleges, the text is suitable for a two-term introductory statistics sequence.
This book is about statistics as it is used. The examples and exercises are from actual applications of statistics to business and administration, with few exceptions. The approach to the presentation of these useful quantitative tools is problem-oriented. In developing each concept, realistic business problems are posed and the appropriate statistical tool is then illustrated. This reverses the usual deductive approach which introduces the tool and then finds a problem to illustrate it. The author uses, instead, the inductive approach.
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