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  • добавлен 21 февраля 2011 г.
Tight М. Key Concepts in Adult Education and Training
London, 2006.
Adult education and training—now widely re-labelled and reenergized
under the banner of lifelong leaing (see Chapter 2)—is an
important and developing field of activity and study. We are all, as
children and as adults, engaged in leaing every day of our lives,
whether we realize it or not. We are also increasingly likely to be
involved in more formalized forms of leaing—that is, in education or
training—both immediately after we have completed the compulsory
education period and throughout the rest of our lives.
Many thousands of us are currently employed to assist and guide the
leaing of other adults: as teachers or trainers, as lecturers or facilitators,
as advisors or managers. We may be employed as such full-time
or part-time, or this role may form only one part of a more general portfolio
of supervisory responsibilities. We may work in a designated
institution of education or training. We may work for other public, private
or voluntary sector organizations, which have a conce for the
development of their employees or members. Or we may work on our
own account and need to update our skills and knowledge.
Every year, large numbers of those involved in the education and
training of adults themselves undertake some form of education or
training to support or prepare them for these roles. This professional
development may take place at a variety of levels, leading to, for example,
a teaching certificate, a first degree, a professional qualification or
a research degree. Or it may not involve any qualification at all, and
may indeed be entirely self-directed
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