Компьютерная литература
  • формат chm
  • размер 506,07 КБ
  • добавлен 20 июля 2016 г.
Bjarne Karlsson. Beyond the C++ Standart Library An Introduction to Boost
Книга, оформленная как файл справки (CHM) в архиве WinRAR.
Содержит краткое описание всех основных библиотек Boost C++.
About the Author.
Organization of This Book.
Introduction to Boost.
String and Text Processing.
Data Structures, Containers, Iterators, and Algorithms.
Function Objects and Higher-Order Programming.
Generic Programming and Template Metaprogramming.
Math and Numerics.
Part I. General Libraries.
Library 1. Smart_ptr.
Library 2. Conversion.
Conversion Summary.
Library 3. Utility.
Library 4. Operators.
Library 5. Regex.
Part II. Containers and Data Structures.
Library 6. Any.
Library 7. Variant.
Library 8. Tuple.
Part III. Function Objects and Higher-Order Programming.
Library 9. Bind.
Library 10. Lambda.
Library 11. Function.
Library 12. Signals.