Математическая логика
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  • добавлен 25 декабря 2010 г.
Hamburger H., Richards D. Logic and Language Models for Computer Science
Prentice Hall, 2002. - 341 Pages.

This book invites the reader to explore abstractions that are crucial to computer science. The authors bring a sense of excitement to logics, formal languages and automata-motivating topics by linking them to computing and to computational applications, sometime with whole chapters. They achieve exceptional clarity through a plethora of examples and figures, yet without-losing sight of, and indeed celebrating, the precision that is the hallmark of this subject matter.

Features of the book include:
application of logic to program verification
programming in the logic language, Prolog
discussion of "why" and "how" to prove things
relationships between English and programming languages
diagrams-first approach to automata
lex as a tool and an extension of formal language
pushdown automata as parsing strategies
Turing machines as models of computation
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