Психологические дисциплины
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  • добавлен 03 августа 2010 г.
Jost John, Sidanius Jim. Political Psychology: Key Readings (Key Readings in Social Psychology)
The chapters in this reader were written by leading scholars in the areas of political science and social psychology. The interdisciplinary fusion reflects the vast range of topics and issues at the forefront of each field. Both contemporary and classic articles are compiled, demonstrating the ever-changing nature of political psychology and offering comprehensive coverage of social psychological research into the processes that have goveed local and global affairs in the postmode world.
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Алюшин А.Л. Гарольд Лассуэлл о природе политической реальности

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  • добавлен 29 октября 2011 г.
Полис (Политические исследования). - 2006. - № 5. - С. 158 - 170. Harold Lasswell (1902 - 1978) is widely known in the world political science as the founder of political psychology. It was, in particular, thanks to a monograph published in 1930, Psychopathology and Politics, that he acquired that reputation. While acknowledging the book's merits, critics very soon pointed to the bias being observed in it, towards psychoanalytical interpretation...

Comstock G., Scharrer E. The Psychology of Media and Politics

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Research indicates that people discount their own opinions and experiences in favor of those of "experts" as espoused in the media. The framing of news coverage thus has a profound impact on public opinion, and political decision making as a response to public outcry. However, the choice of how to frame the news is typically made to solicit viewership and high ratings rather than to convey accurate and meaningful information. This book discusses...

Cottam M.L., Dietz-Uhler B., Mastors E., Preston T. Introduction To Political Psychology

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  • добавлен 18 сентября 2011 г.
Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004. - 343 p. The first comprehensive textbook on political psychology, this user-friendly volume explores the psychological origins of political behavior. Using psychological concepts to explain types of political behavior, the authors introduce a broad range of theories and cases of political activity to illustrate the behavior. The book examines many patterns of political behaviors including leadership, g...

Cottam M.L., Dietz-Uhler B., Mastors E., Preston T. Introduction To Political Psychology

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  • добавлен 02 августа 2010 г.
Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004. - 343 The first comprehensive textbook on political psychology, this user-friendly volume explores the psychological origins of political behavior. Using psychological concepts to explain types of political behavior, the authors introduce a broad range of theories and cases of political activity to illustrate the behavior. The book examines many patterns of political behaviors including leadership, grou...

Hilliard Charles. Lasswell’s Political Psychology Revisited

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  • добавлен 05 августа 2010 г.
It can be argued that the political psychology approach of Harold D. Lasswell has either been forgotten, devalued, or assumed to have been supplanted by his policy science approach by the current social sciences, especially by political psychologists. This does violence to the social sciences in general insofar as its exclusion from the canon of theoretical paradigms robs the social sciences of a useful and efficacious tool to explain much politi...

Houghton David. Political Psychology: Situations, Individuals, and Cases

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  • добавлен 03 августа 2010 г.
What shapes political behavior more: the situations in which individuals find themselves, or the internal psychological makeup-beliefs, values, and so on-of those individuals? This is perhaps the leading division within the psychological study of politics today. Political Psychology: Situations, Individuals, and Cases provides a concise, readable, and conceptually-organized introduction to the topic of political psychology by examining this very...

Jost J.T., Kay A.C., Thorisdottir Н. Social and Psychological Bases of Ideology and System Justification (Series in Political Psychology)

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This new volume on Social and Psychological Bases of Ideology and System Justification brings together several of the most prominent social and political psychologists who are responsible for the resurgence of interest in the study of ideology, broadly defined. Leading scientists and scholars from several related disciplines, including psychology, sociology, political science, law, and organizational behavior present their cutting-edge theorizing...

Kuklinski James H. Thinking about Political Psychology

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  • добавлен 26 июля 2010 г.
Leading scholars in political psychology discuss and debate major issues facing the field of political psychology. They define the boundaries of the field, debate its relevance, consider whether the field is too methodologically individualistic, and whether it can help scholars to understand collective public opinion. Book Description Some of the leading scholars in political psychology discuss and debate some of the major issues facing the field...

Kurian, G. Th. The Encyclopedia of Political Science

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Washington, D.C. CQ Press, 2011 1942 pp. ISBN 978-1-933116-44-0 Discipline of Political Science African Politics and Society American Politics and Society Asian Politics and Society Comparative Politics Constitutions and Constitutionalism Culture, Media, and Language Democracy and Democratization Ethics and Political Corruption European Politics and Society Federalism and Local Politics Foreign Policy Gender and Politics Globalisation and Polit...

Samuels Andrew. The Political Psyche

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A radical and original study, The Political Psyche joins together depth psychology with politics in a way that fully reflects the discoveries made in analysis and therapy. In an attempt to show that an inner journey and a desire to fashion something practical out of passionate political convictions are linked projects, author Andrew Samuels brings an acute psychological perspective to political issues such as the distribution of wealth, the marke...