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Mitchell S. Inside the Windows 95 File System
O'Reilly, 1997. - 378 с. Серия "Nutshell Handbook"
В книге описывается IFSMgr, базовая компонента поддержки файловых систем в Windows
95. Хотя эта компонента описана и в спецификациях драйверов Windows 95, в книге описываются детали, отсутствующие в стандартной документации.
Кроме того, в книге описываются:
* три программных интерфейса, подходящих к операционной среде: прерывание 21h, Win16 API и Win32 API
* драйверы файловых систем (включая VFAT), и как они взаимодействуют с IFSMgr
* сервисы и структуры данных VCache
* системные средства виртуальной памяти и файл виртуальной памяти
* виртуальный редиректор VREDIR - сетевой клиент Microsoft, включая обсуждение протоколов NetBIOS и SMB.
From IFSMgr to the Inteet
Long Filenames
Windows 3.11 Had an IFSMgr?
Peering "Under the Hood"
An Overview of IFSMgr
Loading Netscape Navigator
Going to
Where Do Filenames Go?
What's in a Name?
Accessing Local Files
Accessing Remote Files
Accessing Devices
Pathways to the File System
The Big Bang
Accessing IFSMgr
The Win32 Callback
File System API Mapping
The Win32 API and KERNEL32 Objects
Implementation of VWIN32_Int21Dispatch
Win16 File Services
The "New" MS-DOS File System
Interrupt 21h Handlers
Interrupt 2Fh Handler
Interrupt 25h and 26h Handlers
Interrupt 17h Handler
IFSMGR's Common Dispatch Routine
Dispatching File System Requests
The Dispatch Point
Dispatch Functions
Shell Resources and the FSD's Volume-Based Function Table
fhandle Structures and the FSD's Volume-Based Function Table
Calling into a File System Driver
FSDs as Providers
Enumerating Shell Resources and fhandles
Monitoring File Activity
The File System API Hook
The NetFunction Hook
Hooking a Path
Anatomy of a File System Driver
FSD to IFSMgr Linkage
FSDs Come in Three Flavors
FSD Mechanics
FSD Linkage
MONOCFSD: A Character File System Driver
FSINFILE: A Remote File System Driver
VFAT: The Virtual FAT File System Driver
6.x FAT, Boot Record, and Directory Entries
Windows 95 Directory Entries
Changes in Disk Layout with FAT32
IOS and the Layered Driver Model
VFAT Initialization and Registration
Mounting a VFAT Volume
Opening a VFAT File - Top Level
Opening a VFAG File - Lower Level
Locating a Directory Entry
VFAT's File Structures
Virtual Memory, the Paging File, and Pagers
The Windows 95 Paging File
The System Pagers
Demand Page Loading
VCACHE: Caches Big and Small
Where Does Block Cache Memory Come From?
How Does the Memory Manager Control Block Cache Size?
Block Cache Data Structures
Block Cache Services
Monitoring VCache
The Lookup Cache Data Structures
Lookup Cache Services
An Example: IFSMgr's ServerNameCache
A Survey of IFSMgr Services
IFSMgr Versions
FSD Registration
Heap Management
Time Management
Network Management
Event Management
Codepage and Unicode Conversion
Filename Manipulation
Filename Matching
Path Parsing
File Sharing
Win32 Support
Ring-0 File I/O
VREDIR: The Microsoft Networks Client
VREDIR and Other Network Components
VREDIR Interfaces
The SMB File Sharing Protocol
Tracing VREDIR Operations
IPC for Network FSDs
Looking Ahead
IFSMgr vs. NT's Object Manager
IFSMgr vs. NT's I/O Manager
NT Keel Mode Drivers vs. VxDs
MultiMon: Setup, Usage, and Extensions
MultiMon: Monitor Reference
IFSMgr Data Structures
IFS Development Aids
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