Вычислительная математика
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  • добавлен 10 мая 2010 г.
Pao Y.C. Engineering Analysis: Interactive Methods and Programs with FORTRAN, QuickBASIC, MATLAB, and Mathematica
CRC, 1998. - 384 pages.

Matrix Algebra and Solution of Matrix Equations.
Manipulation of Matrices.
Solution of Matrix Equation.
Program Gauss — Gaussian Elimination Method.
Matrix Inversion, Determinant, and Program MatxInvD.
Exact, Least-Squares, and Spline Curve-Fits.
Exact Curve Fit.
Program LeastSq1 — Linear Least-Squares Curve-Fit.
Program LeastSqG — Generalized Least-Squares Curve-Fit.
Program CubeSpln — Curve Fitting with Cubic Spline.
Roots of Polynomial and Transcendental Equations.
Iterative Methods and Program Roots.
Program NewRaphG — Generalized Newton-Raphson.
Iterative Method.
Program Bairstow — Bairstow Method for Finding.
Polynomial Roots.
Finite Differences, Interpolation, and Numerical Differentiation.
Finite Differences and Program DiffTabl — Constructing.
Difference Table.
Program LagrangI — Applications of Lagrangian.
Interpolation Formula.
Numerical Integration and Program Volume.
Program NuIntGra — Numerical Integration by Application of the.
Trapezoidal and Simpson Rules.
Program Volume — Numerical Solution of Double Integral.
Ordinary Differential Equations — Initial and Boundary.
alue Problems.
Program RungeKut — Application of Runge-Kutta Method.
for Solving InitialValue Problems.
Program OdeBvpRK — Application of Runge-Kutta Method.
for Solving Boundary Value Problems.
Program OdeBvpFD — Application of Finite-Difference Method.
for Solving Boundary-Value Problems.
Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Problems.
Programs EigenODE.Stb and EigenODE.Vib — for Solving.
Stability and Vibration Problems.
Program CharacEq — Derivation of Characteristic Equation.
of a Specified Square Matrix.
Program EigenVec — Solving Eigenvector by Gaussian.
Elimination Method.
Program EigenvIt — Iterative Solution of Eigenvalue.
and Eigenvector.
Partial Differential Equations.
Program ParabPDE — Numerical Solution of Parabolic Partial.
Differential Equations.
Program Relaxatn — Solving Elliptical Partial Differential.
Equations by Relaxation Method.
Program WavePDE — Numerical Solution of Wave Problems.
Goveed by Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations.
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