Нелинейная динамика
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  • добавлен 17 марта 2011 г.
Wu G. Nonlinearity and Chaos in Molecular Vibrations
Elsevier. 2005. 321 p.
Molecular vibration
Concepts of dynamical groups
Concepts of nonlinear dynamics
Application of su(2) algebra
Application of noncompact su(1,1) algebra
Breaking of su(3) algebra and its application
Application of su(3) algebra
Quantal effect of asymmetric molecular rotation
Pendulum, resonance and molecular highly
excited vibration
Quasiperiodicity, resonance
overlap and chaos
Fractal structure of eigencoefficients
C-H bend motion of acetylene
Lyapunov exponent and nonergodicity
of C-H bend motion in acetylene
Chaotic and periodic motions of DCN
Regular classification of highly excited
vibrational levels and its physical background
One-electronic motion in multiple sites
Lyapunov exponent, action integrals
of periodic trajectories and quantization
Application of the H function in vibrational relaxation
The Dixon dip and its destruction
Chaos in transitional states
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