Зарубежная художественная литература
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  • добавлен 03 июля 2016 г.
অচিন্ত্যকুমার সেনগুপ্ত. প্রথম কদমফুল / Кумар Сангупта Ачинтья. Протом Кадомпхуль
Kolkata, India: Prakasha Bhavana, 1967. — 624 p. (in Bengali)
Achintya Kumar Sengupta (1903–1976) was a renowned Bengali writer. He was bo in Noakhali, now in Bangladesh.
He started writing under a pen name, ‘Niharika Debi’. He contributed to almost all genres of Bengali literature, but is best remembered for his novels and short stories. In all, he wrote more than 100 books.
Sengupta was closely associated with the famous magazine Kallol, and was its editor for some time.
His literary works have been included in the curriculum of school level, secondary, higher secondary and graduation level Bengali Literature in Bangladesh.