Австронезийские языки
Языки и языкознание
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  • добавлен 08 марта 2016 г.
I Komang Ardana. Korespondensi Fonem Proto-Austronesia Dalam Bahasa Kaili dan Bahasa Uma di Sulawesi Tengah
Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia: Universitas Udayana, 2011. — 154 p.
И Команг Ардана. Общие прото-австронезийские элементы в фонетике языков каили и ума на центральном Сулавеси (на индонез. яз.)
Daftar Isi:
Kajian Pustaka, Konsep, Landasan Teori, dan Model Penelitian.
Metode Penelitian.
Proto-Austronesia, Bahasa Kaili, Bahasa Uma: Gambaran Fonem.
Pewarisan Fonem Proto-Austronesia dan Tipe-tipe Perubahan Fonemnya pada Bahasa Kaili dan Bahasa Uma.
Korespondensi Fonem Proto-Austronesia pada Bahasa Kaili dan Bahasa Uma.
Simpulan dan Saran.
This thesis is focused on Uma and Kaili languages, all of which can be seen as being descended from a single ancestor (proto-language) for their phonology, lexicon, and grammatical features. In general, this study provides an in-depth information about the data and information conceing Uma and Kaili language for comparative historical linguistic research in Indonesia. Specifically, this study describes the inheritance of Proto- Austronesian phonemes, analyzes the Proto-Austronesian phoneme correspondence in both languages, and explains the types of its sound change.